
When to Choose Roof Replacement Instead of Roof Repair

The roof is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, financial investments on your house. And it’s only logical that you want it to serve you for as long as possible. Most roofs last between 50 to 75 years depending on quality and the weather conditions. When you pass the 50-year mark, roof repairs becomes more frequent. And, at some point, you’ll need to think of roof replacement.

Roof repairs in Los Angeles are far less expensive than roof replacement. They also require less time and energy from you. However, when you combine all the financial resources that you put into monthly repairs, then it becomes apparent that roof replacement is a much smarter thing to do. How do you make that decision? What factors determine that it’s time for a roof replacement? If you are asking yourself the following questions then you are in the right place. In this article, we will go over the pros and cons of a roof replacement.

How old is your roof?

The very first question that you should be asking yourself is – how long have we had this roof? If you are moving to a new house or commercial property in Los Angeles, then definitely check with the owners on the current age and condition of the roof. It will spare you a lot of trouble in the future.

If the roof is in the early and middle years of its use, then go for a repair. But, if it goes beyond 50 years, then long term roof replacement will benefit you a lot more.

How urgent is the problem?

Is your ceiling leaking? Is a part of your roof falling apart? Before making a decision, you need to quickly assess the urgency of the problem. With roof leaks, a temporary solution is always a great option. After you’ve done some damage control, have professionals over to evaluate the scope of the problem. And, if you are under the risk of another emergency, then go for a roof replacement.

What is the cost margin?

Roof repair can be expensive, and some of the complicated repairs can cost as much as an entire replacement. Ask your roof contractor for a pricing list and about all the problems that your roof currently has. Add all of it and compare it with the price of a roof replacement. If the difference is not significant, then replacement pays off in the long run.

What is the scope of the roof repair?

For certain roof repairs, technicians will have to remove surrounding shingles or tiles. This can make the whole process so large-scale that a roof replacement will seem like a small and easy procedure in comparison. Consider the size of your repair project, and if it takes the same amount of time, money and mess, and your roof is already reaching its limit, then consider a replacement to spare you further hassle.

Should you tear off the old roof or add a new layer?

This is another common question among homeowners who are exploring the option of re-roofing. Replacement is not your final decision yet. You will need to choose between tearing off or installing new roofing over the old, existing material. It all comes down to money and time – tearing off the old roof takes more time and money, but overall it’s a safer option, whereas roofing over old materials may save you time and money, but you’ll never know what’s hidden under your new and beautiful roof. You may be installing new roofing over old and rotted plywood, or torn underlayment. These will still cause issues later, despite you having installed a new layer of roofing on top of them.  

Do you have a warranty?

Roofs come with warranties, and for many homeowners, repair and replacement come down to whether the warranty covers the expenses. We are talking about a fair amount of money and it’s only logical to delay the replacement if the warranty covers repairs. On the other hand, if your 18-year-old roof with a 20-year warranty has serious damages and needs constant roof maintenance and inspections, then a replacement is more logical and efficient.

Are the materials still in the market?

Some roofs were made a long time ago. Since then, a lot of things have changed in the roofing industry. You may not find the same materials in the market decades later, and this is a concern if you’re worried about aesthetics or matching the previous roofing material. You should research if the materials you need are still in the market and how the prices have changed. You’ll be surprised to find out how many homeowners had to reroof because of prices or lack of materials.


Roof repairs in Los Angeles are a good option, as long as you are taking all the above considerations into account. And remember to be open to the idea of roof replacement if you need it, and you will save more money and time in the long run. 

If you’re not sure whether you need a repair or full reroof in the LA area, then contact Roof Repair Specialist. Our consultants will look at your roof and tell you exactly what it needs. They’ll even give you pricing options for a repair or reroof so you can have all the information you need to make the right choice for your family. Contact us today!