Why You Need to Know When Roof Replacement is Essential

Why You Need to Know When Roof Replacement is Essential

With real estate, it’s all about “location, location, location.” With roof repair, it’s all about timing. Knowing when to call for professional, efficient roof repair could mean the difference between routine upgrades and a full-blown roofing emergency. Check out our list of what you need to look out for before your roof replacement in Los Angeles, CA.

Watched Pot

They say that a watched pot never boils (not true: it takes about four minutes on an induction coil, watched or not). An ignored roof, though, will deteriorate quickly. Make a habit of checking on your roof’s health periodically. Do this without walking on the roof (no roof, whether low-sloped or steep-sloped, is safe for amateurs).

Arrange for annual inspections by your trusted, local Los Angeles roofer. During those inspections, your roofer can assess the material age of your roof (as opposed to its chronological age), give you a sense of how long it will last, and make minor repairs as needed.

Watch Out!

What do you watch for, when assessing your roof’s health? For fiberglass-asphalt shingles, look for these warning signs:

  • Granule loss in the gutters or on your driveway
  • Cupped, cracked, crazed or split shingles
  • Loose shingles or flashing
  • Deteriorated boots (seals around roof projections)

As your Southern California roof ages, more and more warning signs will crop up, letting you know to plan a roof replacement. If you wait until you have active leaks, you have waited too long. You are at the mercy of roofers, who may offer to “squeeze you into” their schedule as a “courtesy.” Translation: expect to pay much more for an emergency roof replacement!

Plan for It

Planning for roof replacement is far better than facing an unexpected expense. Save every month in a separate account so that, when the time comes, you have a substantial amount of the whole cost ready to apply.

This savings technique lightens the burden of monthly payments and may give you access to more payment options:

  • One year same as cash
  • Low or no interest loans, and more
  • Non-traditional lenders like Home Energy Financing, Ygrene, and others
  • Payment by credit or debit card

When the time has arrived for your home’s roof replacement, contact the trained professionals at Roof Repair Specialist. When our LA County crews arrive, your home is in safe hands. Your new roof will give you peace of mind, and our accurate estimates will help you plan your best, most economical financial solution. Contact us today!