
How to Remove Mold From Your Roof

If you live in cold states, then you have to worry about the accumulation of snow on your roof in the wintertime. So, the common misconception is that warm states pose fewer roof related problems. Well, the residents in Southern and West coast states would be very lucky then, but the truth is each weather condition bring its challenges.

The warmer states tend to be humid, and humidity causes mold and algae to grow on your roof. If you live in one of those states, then you have probably noticed discoloration or some black streaks on your roof. In worse cases, you can also see fuzzy brown or green fungal growth on your roof tiles. All of these mean that your roof is under a mold attack and if you don’t want your whole roof to look like that, then you have to act quick.

This article will help you learn more about mold and other such treats and how to remove them.

Roof algae vs. roof mold

A lot of homeowners often use algae and mold interchangeable but in reality, they are different things and require different approach. Let’s start with algae.

Algae is usually black and green, and it is caused by rooftop moisture, which spreads and becomes algae. It can also come from your gutters because that is where the water is. Dampness and humidity trigger it even more. If you let the algae grow then it will eventually rot your roof and the repairs won’t help you anymore, you will have to replace it altogether.

Algae is not always viewed as a bad thing though. In some instances, it gives the roof a nice mysterious look. Algae is natural in its essence, so sometimes if the circumstances allow, property owners let it grow. Of course, in that case, they have to look after it to make sure it doesn’t lead the roof to fall off.

The mold, on the other hand, is not natural and you shouldn’t let it spread. Mold has very dangerous consequences both health wise and for your roof. It has a very bad smell and looks very bad, so you can easily spot it and differentiate from green algae. Mold is also caused by moisture deposits but unlike algae, it tends to grow on wood and other areas that has absorbed water.

How to prevent your roof from developing mold

You can perform the following things to make sure your roof stays mold free:

  • Cut branches that are over your roof.
  • If you’re replacing your roof then consider more mold-resistant roofing materials.
  • Regularly clean your gutters.

How to remove the mold

If you couldn’t avoid the mold and it developed on your roof, there are still things you can do to prevent it from spreading and get rid of it. Please keep in mind that you will have to climb on to your roof, so if you don’t have safety measure or you can’t work on height, then it’s for the best to turn to professionals.

Here is how you can clean the mold off of your roof:

  • Hose your roof with not too much pressure with nozzle or wand.
  • Mix bleach and water (half and half), put it on the spots with mold, let sit for half an hour and rinse.
  • Mix half cup per gallon of laundry bleach with water and use the solution to clean the mold.
  • Some stores have already made solutions for mold that you can give a try.

If at any time you are not sure if it’s mold or you don’t think you can handle it on your own, then get in touch with your roofing contractor and consult with them.